Diagram 02 - ICSP Wiring (dsPIC/PIC24 Series)
These diagrams show how to use iCP01 and iCP02 to program a PIC chip with ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) method.
VDD Setting (5V or 3.3V):
- 5V: for PIC operating voltage up to 5.0V and dsPIC30 series
- 3.3V: for PIC operating voltage up to 3.3V, ‘LF’ series, 'J' series, dsPIC33 and PIC24F
Pull-up Resistor (for MCLR pin):
- User may connect the pull-up resistor with following method:
Vcap Capacitor:
- Capacitor must be connected to the VDDCORE/VCAP pin (if exist) for proper programming operation:
18 Pin (dsPIC, PIC24 Series):
20 Pin (PIC24 Series):
28 Pin (dsPIC, PIC24 Series):
40 Pin (dsPIC Series):