ioControl can be used to control Digital input/output pins and read Analog input signals.
Software 02 - SerialComm
SerialComm can be used transmit and receive ASCII data from the COM port
SmartDAQ can be used for 13ch signals monitoring (as oscilloscope), data acquisition and circuit troubleshooting at 1mSec/Samples period and 1mV Resolution.
Software 04 - PWM & Frequency Generator
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) & Frequency Generator can be used to control PWM pins, generate frequency signals or act as Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) with simple RC filter.
Software 05 - Signal Stream & Output Trigger
adcStream can be used to trigger digital outputs (0V/5V) when the analog inputs value (0V-5V) is higher or lower than the prefix value. This software is great for the sensors input monitoring application.
SP232EEP (RS232 Driver, PDIP-16)
This SP232EEP is a 2x driver and 2x receiver pairs that meet the specifications of RS-232 and V.28 serial protocols with enhanced ESD performance.
This program shows how to use the general I/O pins on a PIC16F722.
This program shows how to use the LCD display on a PIC16F722 or PIC16F886.
This program shows how to use the ADC port on a PIC16F722.
This program shows how to use the 7 Segment to display the digit from 0 to 9.
This program shows how to use the keypad to display the desired output at the 7 Segment.
This program shows how to use the servo motors on a PIC16F722.