This program shows how to use the PIC16F722 or PIC16F886 with a 128x64 GLCD. When program run, the GLCD will display "Welcome To WWW.PICCIRCUIT.." and display the AN0 signal waveform. This coding will work with the Hi-Tech C compilers.
iBoard connection:
- PORTB [J17/J18] -iCM19B - A PORT
- PORTC [J11/J12] -iCM19B - B PORT
- Supported device: PIC16F722 & PIC16F886
- 8-bit ADC with internal Fixed Voltage Reference
- GLCD driver (Initialize, Clear, Read & Write Commands)
- Pixel Control with (x,y) coordinate
- 5x7 Font library (A-Z, a-z, 0-9 & ...)
- Basic Oscilloscope program
Source Code:
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